The Beginning  

Posted by Unknown

Hummm…Let’s see. I was born September 26, well let’s just say that I'm 24, maybe. I don’t want to give out too many details! But anyways I was born in Germany… *I’m not German, I don’t speak German and my skin is brown* I don’t remember much about the place because I came to the state when I was four. *My dad was in the ARMY* The only thing that I can remember is there was this park the we would go to and they had these horse head on a wall you could get chocolate candy coins out of…muummmm…they were great. They sell them here in the state, but they are not the same. I remember another place where there were small people (I don’t know a better term and I don’t want to offend any body) but it was an awesome little place…ok, so form Germany we moved to Texas form Texas to Virginia, form Virginia to North Carolina, form North Carolina back to Virginia…and guess what I’m still here. be cont'd

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 1:24 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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